Sunday, August 25, 2013

Two weeks in

 We are two weeks into this new version of our family and so much has changed.  We knew this was going to be a challenge but knowing and experiencing are very different things.

We are balancing new routines, new personalities, new food likes/dislikes and more. We are figuring out the kids "triggers" and quickly learning how diffuse a situation before it spirals out of control. We are learning how to handle fits when they do develop into them. And we are starting to learn how to teach older children skills that will allow them to better cope with their feelings and expressing their fears, worries and what is bothering them. It has been a challenging couple of weeks but great at the same time.

Though we still have moments of being completely overwhelmed by the demands of 5 kids 6 and under, we still feel like this is right.  Not only is it the right thing to keep all three of these siblings together but it's right for our family and the calling that God has placed on our hearts (more on His calling on a different day).

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