Thursday, August 15, 2013

How I'm doing, honestly.

In an attempt to be somewhat transparent and honest about this journey I feel like I should share how I'm feeling.
Despite the fact that the transition has been going better than we thought it would and despite the fact that we have already seen progress and signs of everyone settling in, I am struggling.

For those who know me well, I am an introvert and not having a single second to myself from 7am until 10 pm is completely draining to me. I feel like my tank is empty and when I need extra patience, compassion and understanding, I am struggling.  More often than not, I feel completely overwhelmed and unequipped to handle it all. I'm afraid of saying the wrong thing; I'm worried about not spreading my attention evenly; I'm concerned about how this is affecting our boys and I wonder if we did the right thing.  I'm stressed about my business and the fact that I haven't been able to work in nearly two weeks.  I am overwhelmed by the mountain of laundry and seems to be growing at an alarming rate.

I know that we are just finishing up week one and things are bound to get easier but right now, it's tough to see how I will manage.  I read a great article about the challenges that introvert moms face and I think it explains my struggles very well.

Please continue to pray for all of us as we continue to get to know each other and figure out how to relate best to one another. Please pray for our boys, who are feeling the challenges of having less space and more personalities around. Please pray for the two older foster kids who are struggling with settling into new routines, schedules, food, bed and new authority figures.  We all have a long road ahead of us with many challenges and I pray that trust will be built quickly so we can come together and begin functioning in a more cohesive way.

I have complete faith in Gods strength to get me through this tough time because my human strength and endurance is not enough.

"Don't you know who made everything?
Haven't you heard about him?
The Lord is the God who lives forever.
He created everything on earth. He won't become worn out or get tired.
No one will ever know how great his understanding is.
He gives strength to those who are tired.
He gives power to those who are weak."
                (Isaiah 40:28, 29 NIRV)

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