Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Almost here

For days now our two boys have been asking "When are W & L coming?"  Well boys, only three more sleeps.

The anticipation has been building and things are now nearly complete and ready for their arrival.  This experience has been very different than our typical new foster placements.  In the past, I usually receive a call from the case worker anywhere from a couple hours to 30 minutes before they arrive at our home.  But since we usually take one baby at a time, there's not too much to prepare.  Pull out some diapers, appropriate size clothes and some bottles; a quick 15 minutes of prep.

I am very grateful that we had plenty of notice for this transition.  Not only was I able to get the house cleaned up and set up in an organized, somewhat relaxed or at very least thoughtful way, but we were able to prepare our boys.  Having two more kids, near their age, sharing their toys, space and parental attention is a huge adjustment on it's own but to have it with no notice - I can't imagine the stress that would cause them.  But now with their little minds somewhat wrapped around the concept and the changes happening, the excitement and anticipation is building.

As for us, the parents, we have been busy in other ways.  School supplies, school clothes, beds, sheets, toys, extra lawn chairs and car seats have all been bought/borrowed/gifted and I'm about as ready as I can be.  Other than a few more cleaning tasks, there's not much more to do.   Mentally and emotionally, I am nervous - there is so much I can't plan for.  I'm praying that the transition will go smoothly for all the kids.  I'm praying that everyone settles into a good routine fairly quickly because in a short 12 days after the kids arrive, school starts.  Most of all, I pray for all the future unknowns in these kiddos lives.  As with all foster placements, we have no idea what will transpire in the future.  There are a lot of variables but we really hope and pray that these siblings will remain together. That is the reason we have moved them into our home;  so that they can bond as siblings and create relationships that will last their entire lives, as brothers and sisters should.

Please continue to pray for us.  We appreciate all the generosity we have seen over the last few weeks.  We have had a flood of toys, clothes and most importantly support.  It has been a blessing beyond words.

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