Monday, July 1, 2013

Making Adjustments

Since we made the decision to bring W and L into our home, we have been making plans and adjustments.  We are so blessed with a home with a rare layout with 4 bedrooms on the main level and after a game of musical beds, I think we have managed to find enough space for everyone.  Pete rearranged his office and we were able to comfortably fit in our guest bed.  Izzy agreed to give up his favorite blue bed once he heard he was going to get a bunk bed.  So the blue bed is being painted into a clean white bed for L and the bunk bed will be painted blue for the newly dubbed "Boys Room".  Judah and Izzy both have hand painted room signs so we ordered three more signs so everyone has a defined personal space.

When your family expands suddenly storage quickly becomes a concern.  Thankfully we have just the right amount of coat hooks in the entry but four school backpacks simply won't fit.  And all the extra clothes, toys, and carseats, I needed some new creative solutions.  After a rather lengthy trip to Lowes, I think I have solved at least some of the storage issues.  I have extra shelving for toys for the "Boy's room", an extra closet rod for the "Girls room" with the expectation of many adorable dresses and hooks for everyone's room to hold their backpacks.  A place for every thing and hopefully everything in it's place.

We have a long way to go; curtains to make and hang, bedroom to paint, furniture to find and paint and simply just cleaning up the house and garage so we can start fresh.  But I feel like we are making progress quickly.

Honestly, I have so many lists started, both in my head, on notepads and on my phone but slowly I can see that we 'might' get everything completed in time.  I have never been so thankful for my hyper-organized, type A brain.  That may become an issue when the chaos starts but for now, I will run with it.

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